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Your celebration with us

Our creative studio is a great place to organize private or corporate events in a special and inspiring atmosphere. We offer the opportunity to organize a master class tailored to your wishes, so that the celebration is not only sincere, but also creative and unforgettable.

Leave us your application and we will take care of everything – from idea to implementation, providing materials and professional management for your unique event. Indulge in a creative adventure with us!

Desired master class

Several master classes can be combined together. For example, to divide the flow of people in this way.

Preferred location
Studio ArtOne
Mana norises vieta

1 persona - 50 eur

2 personas - 70 eur

3-5 personas - 150 eur

6-8 personas - 250 eur

9-13 personas - 450 eur

14-17 personas - 600 eur

18-25 personas - 750 eur

* Cenai ir informatīvs raksturs.
Par piemeru aprēķiniem tiek ņemta gleznošanas meistarklase. (PVN iekļauts)

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